20th March Newsletter lands - here it is!

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There are already acres of print in the papers and online about the desperate times brought upon Ukraine, already drawing in every nation and religion around the world.  Paul Graetz has offered a short reflection on the unchanging God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, with us at the beginning, now and at the end, watching over us.  It's sad that the example and teaching of that Son have been so ignored or even, crazily, used to justify this madness that we are witnessing and that the people of Ukraine are living and dying through.

The unchanging nature of God tells us something that we can remember through this current experience.  It isn't about eternity but it is about the nature of time.  The message is 'this too will pass'.  Even the fiercest, most violent men (and they are usually men) do not last more than the blink of an eye.  Their nations, their empires and even the records of their names eventually disappear.  If they are remembered at all, it is as fools and narcissists, railing against their own mortality and determined to 'secure their place in history'.

Well, history is full of them and history usually thinks that they were full of their own self-importance and weak character.  Difficult though it might be as we strive against evil men, we need to hang onto those thoughts and our faith that God is ready for such people, when they appear before him.  Jesus said, 'the meek shall inherit the earth.'  He also said that he would sit in judgement over everyone and that those who had not treated others as he had taught would face the eternal consequences.  Amen.