Here's the up-to-date Newsletter for 20th February

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The 'what's on' list for Tittensor is getting longer, a sure 'sign' that village life is active.  Sadly, that has included the loss of several residents, with announcements of funerals.  Many of these have involved St Luke's, either by funeral services in the church or by the ministry team supporting families through distressing and heartbreaking times.  What has also come through has been the strong community support for those who are grieving, including turning out personally at funeral services to stand with them in their sorrow.

For those who come along, it may sometimes seem that those who are closest may not see you there.  I can assure you that you are ALL noticed and that your presence is a great comfort to people.  Grieving people are aware of a community around them and it is in the hours and days after a funeral that many names and faces come back to them, allowing them to draw on the emotional support that you have provided.

The ministry team is also grateful that the people of Tittensor and further afield continue to support the church with their words, their presence and their contributions, be they of time or money.  God's work within any person or community is never done.