16th January 2022 - Newsletter time!

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There were many events in Tittensor last week and well-attended meetings in the village to discuss what to do in the future.  The impressions left are of a busy village, with people who care for one another and their community.  Whatever people's interests (and arguments), there is a strong current of belonging and a feeling of identity.

When one thinks of what everyone has had to go through over the last two years, with some lives transformed totally, taking different and unexpected turns, this is remarkable.  It speaks of a robust group of people, of all ages, bound together voluntarily by common values.

There will be new twists in the coming year and many new events, some organised and some washing over us without our being able to influence them.  We Christians face these with a belief that, come what may, a loving God walks with us, ready to listen and support as we question, stumble and fall.  This is not some remote being, looking down on tiny minions, but a God who knows exactly what it feels like to be human, to suffer, to love, to enjoy and even to die.  He knows that because he has done all of these things, as Jesus.  May all of us face the future in the knowledge that his loving arms are there to support us, even when we don't realise it.  Amen.