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Parish Administrator

Getting here


Tibberton Church is one of 6 Churches in a United Benefice with Edgmond, Great Bolas, Waters Upton, Preston and Kynnersley. The Benefice is overseen by Rev’d Helen Morby of Edgmond, assisted by Rev’d Kay Rogers, Curate,

All Saints Church is open 7 days a week and welcomes you to pop in any time for a period of quiet reflection or prayer. The regular Sunday Services are as detailed in the below:
1st Sunday of the Month: 10:30 Service of the Word

2nd Sunday of the Month: 09:00 Holy Communion

3rd Sunday of the Month: 10:30 All Age Worship

4th Sunday of the Month: 09:00 Holy Communion

5th Sunday of the Month: 10:30 Holy Communion – united service at one of the 6 Churches in the Benefice

All Age Worship – this is a fairly informal service suitable for all ages.  Refreshments are served after the service and all are able to enjoy some time chatting with other members of the congregation.

Holy Communion – a more formal service following the Common Worship order of service.

Service of the Word – Lay led service of Hymns, Readings and Prayer

When there are 5 Sundays in the month, all the 6 Churches gather together in one place for a Holy Communion service. This is usually in rotation around the 6 parishes, but see the magazine for details of this and any other special services for Easter, Harvest, Christmas etc.

near the Sutherland Arms, Tibberton
TF10 8NL

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