Community First Responders

We now have one CFR trained by WMAS, who is about to do some on the job training with neighbouring units, and two more CFRs have dates confirmed for their training courses. The team made their first public appearance at St Peter's School Fayre in May and their second at Weston Fete on June 8th and they will be at Sandon Fete on August 17th. Please come along to meet the team and find out what our medically trained rapid response volunteers can do.

Great news! We have received a very generous offer from a company who have been working locally, to purchase an essential item of medical equipment for us, at a cost of more than £1,000. More details and photos will follow soon. This piece of kit will enable our rapid response volunteers to assess a patient's condition quickly and efficiently.

If you are interested in becoming a Community First Responder, West Midlands Ambulance Service are recruiting at the moment, up until 30th June. For more details go to the NHS website and in Job Search enter C9217-CFR07-24-25

A special thank you to Wellington Fields Allotment Association, who very kindly donated the proceeds from their annual plant sale to the CFRs, which increased our funds by over £700.00. Target £11,000 - raised so far £6,000! To donate, you can use the QR code above or for further info, contact Mark Farrington on: 07814 - 453326

If you would like to become part of this team or wish to find out more of what's involved please contact me by email...

Mark Farrington, Chairman Hixon Memorial Hall

[email protected]