The next meeting is Tuesday 9th July "Behind the scenes at Stafford Gatehouse"

Stowe by Chartley WI On Tuesday 11th June 29 members and visitors attended the monthly meeting, and Vice President Chris welcomed Alison Smith, a teacher of dance and fitness, including Line Dancing. After giving us the history of where line dancing came from, she got everyone up on the floor and after showing us the moves, we all started line dancing! We danced to a variety of music, after several dances we all had a break for refreshments and to rest our feet. We finished the evening by learning a line dancing waltz.
A most enjoyable evening with lots of fun and laughter.

Angela gave the vote of thanks to Alison

The regular coffee mornings will be taking place on Thursdays, 25th July and 26th September between 10-12noon a time for coffee, tea and chatter and maybe a bit of crafting.

New members & guests are always welcome. We meet 2nd Tuesday of month at 7.30pm at Stowe Village Hall. Contact our president Kath Hopcroft on 01889 - 270516, or - Facebook Stowe WI .