Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities

Car parking is available subject to services and events. £2 per hour or £7 per day.

Accessible Toilet

This is to the right of the main entrance.

Hearing (induction) Loop

Our Building

Stained Glass
Warm Space
Listed Building

Music and Worship

Bell Ringing

FREE Friday Concerts with lunch afterwards in the church hall.

Regarded as the finest in the area, the organ was most recently rebuilt in 2011 by Harrison & Harrison.
It is a fine example of opulent Edwardian organ building.

Our choir practices weekly for the Sunday 10am Choral Eucharist and 6pm Choral Evensong. Please see our website for current church music schedule & updates www.stchadschurchshrewsbury.com

Groups, Courses and Activities

Every Sunday after our 10am Eucharist you are most welcome to come along for coffee and fellowship in our church hall.

Currently the 16th Shrewsbury Guides hold their group at our church hall - do be in touch by email if your child is interested in joining [email protected]

We support Shrewsbury Street Pastors!

Help for Visitors

Welcome leaflets in many languages are free and available when you visit

Every day 8am-4pm
Do check out the website diary for further information about current services and events

Other Features

Conservation Area

Please do call 01743 365 478 to find out about hiring our church hall for your group, meeting or event. We would love you to be in touch for more information.