About Us

St Mary's is an early Mediaeval church , on a site used for worship for over 900 years, but the building is one which you can see is cared for and well used for prayer and worship today.
Recent improvements include the provision of a large carpetted area in the chancel where smaller services can be held, and a levelling of the porch with a new access ramp for anyone who needs to come in on wheels. Our latest project, to continue the efforts to make the church comfortably accessible for all, has been to build a new ringing chamber in the tower  with kitchen and toilet facilities underneath.
The parish includes the base at RAF Shawbury, and so tries to offer a spiritual home to any who are just staying in the area for a short time as well as to more permanent residents.

Regular service times here:
Sunday 8am Holy Communion - First and Third Sundays
Sunday 11am Family Communion [Second and Fourth Sundays] or 11am Morning Prayer [First and third Sundays]

Thursday 10am Holy Communion - coffee afterwards

Shawbury is grouped with the neighbouring churches of Moreton Corbet and Stanton upon Hine Heath - all were begun in the 12th Century and are open daily if you would like to visit them.

We are glad to hear from those interested in baptism [christening], marriage, or simply in finding out more about the Christian faith which the three churches have represented here over almost a millennium.

There is a list kept in a purple folder at the back of the church to record the names of people we have been asked to pray for, and you are very welcome to add other names if you would like us to pray for them.