About Us
Welcome to St. Mary’s Slough, we are the Church of England church in the heart of Slough.
So what do we offer?
Please see our website https://stmarys-slough.org.uk/ for more information
Sundays 9:30 Sung Eucharist & 6:30 Evensong or first Sunday in the month Eucharist
Tuesdays 10:00 Eucharist followed by coffee and chat
Also keep an eye open for feasts and festivals
Community Outreach.
Mondays 9:30 Toddler and parent / carer group. (Term time)
Saturday 2:00 (2nd and 4th ) Child Contact Centre – only one in Slough.
Saturday and Sunday NA meeting.
Sunday 12:00 United Methodist
Most days AA meeting and / or meditation group.
London and Slough Soup Run
Several Times a year
Slough Mental Health Choir
Crossroads Care staff training sessions(The Rector is a Trustee)
Our Church Schools
St. Mary's CE Primary - www.stmarys.slough.sch.uk. Largest Church Primary school in the diocese. Visit for School Eucharists at least once a term as well as Remembrance and Christmas.
Slough & Eton CE Business and Enterprise College - www.slougheton.com - for RE and Worship in school and in church.
Nearby ( Check the map on our home page)
Opposite St. Mary’s in Church Street Slough are
Shelter, Slough Advice and Slough Community Volunteers
SHOC – just down the road (To be found in Ragstone Road) Slough’s main centre to support the homeless, the Rector and a churchwarden are on Slough Homeless Forum.
Not only are there two other churches in our parish: St. Laurence Upton and St. Peter’s Chalvey
but we also have good relationships with a host of ecumenical partners all within 10 – 15 minutes’ walk:
Slough Baptists,
Kingsway URC,
St. Ethelbert’s RC,
Salvation Army,
St. Andrew’s Methodist
Trinity URC.
There is good parking in the church grounds using the drive from Albert Street The Church Post Code is SL1 1PJ
St, Mary's features in "The 100 Best Stained Glass Sites in London" by Caroline Swash
We have also been designated one of the Church of England's Major Parish Churches
The churchyard contains 30 - 40 War Grave Commission war graves