

Holy Trinity Church

Saturday 8th June-Skittles at Village Hall. 6.30pm for 7.00pm

Friday 21st June- Coffee Morning at ‘The Bungalow’ Hanbury Road
Tickets £3 per person. Cakes and Raffle prizes needed please

Saturday 22nd June
9.30am start at the church
We need help to clean our beautiful Church
The grounds also need a good tidy up
If you are handy with a hoover, duster, mop, mower, strimmer, rake etc., please contact Ann
Refreshments and Lunch will be served.

Sunday 1st September-Sunday Lunch at ‘Bell House’
Donations of Puddings required and Raffle Prizes please. Tickets will be limited

Sunday 22nd September-Harvest Festival at 11.15am
Donations of Dried and tinned goods for onward delivery to YMCA, also flowers to decorate church please

Wednesday 25th September-Harvest Supper at Village Hall
6.30pm for 7.00pm
Bring your own cutlery, drink and glasses

Sunday 10th November-Remembrance Service. Time TBC

Monday 11th November-Armistice Day at Memorial in Village

Saturday 23rd November-Skittles at Village Hall. 6.30pm for 7.00pm

Saturday 7th December-Christmas Market at Village Hall 10.00-1.00pm
Donations please of Cakes, Raffle and Tombola prizes, Nearly New items.

Wednesday 18th December-Carol Singing around the Village. Time TBC