Free refreshments. Pop in for tea, coffee - meet old friends and make new ones.
Several young men from the Kickstart Programme spent some months clearing random holly bushes, trimming shrubs and weeds etc in the churchyard. Recently, Wolverhampton City Council provided manpower to strim and clear the marestail weed and on Monday 1st August several people from Jennings Funeral Directors came and did some clearing work. As a result, the churchyard is looking much nicer for people walking through.Thanks to all the volunteers and thanks to God for his provision.
PARISH CHILDREN AND YOUTH JAM – Jesus and Me: Sunday Children’s group during the 10:30 am service (St Philip’s) PATH, Sundays, 10:30 am (St Philip’s) ROOTED, Sundays, 6:30 – 8 pm (St Philip’s)LITTLE GEMS, Mondays 1:00 - 2:30 pm during term time (St Adan's) BUSY BEES, Tuesday & Thursdays, 9:30 – 11 am during term time (St Philip’s) MESSY CLUB, Wednesdays, 6 -7 pm during term time (St Philip’s) ADVENTURERS, Wednesdays 4 -5:30 pm for primary school children during term time (St Joseph’s) STAY & PLAY, Wednesday during term time, 9:30.11am for parents & tinies (St Joseph’s) BRIDGE YOUTH Wednesdays 7:30- 9 pm for anyone in school years 7-13 during term time (St Philip's)