Messy Church at home- Big Garden Birdwatch


Dear All

We have finally left 2020 behind, but 2021 doesn’t look that much different at the moment. We do have the lighter mornings and evenings as well as the thought of the Spring weather when birds will be building nests in our garden. In Matthew’s Gospel ( Ch 6 25- 34) Jesus tells us not to worry about the future and talks about the birds being fed, despite what is going on. So let us remember that God is always with us and we can help him by feeding our birds, so put some seeds out in your garden, and watch those birds fly in!

With love and prayers

Delphine x

Big Garden Birdwatch Activity

As I send this email the snow is on the ground and it keeps coming. Hope you and the family are well - maybe outside having fun building snowmen or making snow angels. The birds especially need to be fed today and you might want to get involved in the Big Garden Birdwatch, which is taking place next weekend between 29th and 31st January.

A chart is attached from in readiness for the Birdwatch and you can use the chart to help you identify and count the various birds that visit your garden. The website has lots of interesting information and tips, so happy birdwatching!

Church services

Just to let you know that because of the serious situation regarding the Coronavirus it has been decided to suspend services in both All Saints, Bednall and St James, Acton Trussell, certainly for the month of January and this will be reviewed as time goes on.

However the ever popular online Sunday Zoom service continues every week starting at 11am – you would be most welcome to join - just phone Delphine or Roger on 01785 714527 or email [email protected]) to be sent the zoom link.

Until we meet again keep warm, take care, stay safe

God Bless

Eleanor, Delphine and the Messy Church Team