Join us for Palm Sunday and Easter worship!
I shall be leading an on-line service this Sunday at 11:00am to commemerate Palm Sunday and next week to celebrate the glory of Easter.
Rather than just broadcasting a service, we are going to hold a ‘video conference’ so everyone can be present and take part.
We are going to use software called Zoom – which is free for everyone to download and use. It’s currently being used by Boris and the Government for Cabinet and Cobra meetings and by millions of others worldwide, so quite safe.
I’ve tried it by holding a couple of ‘virtual tea parties’ and it is fun, albeit a little unnerving, to see and inter-react with everyone.
I do hope that you can join us on Sunday at 11:00.
If you would like to be with us, then can I ask you to do two things:-
Let me know so we can send you an order of service and have a (fully sanitised) palm cross delivered to you via our wonderful volunteers. [email protected] or 714527.
Download and register with Zoom from the app store. It is free. If you have any trouble my technical support team (aka Rog 714527) will be on line every day at 3:00pm and will be happy to help. It is quite straightforward and success is very rewarding.
Please, please come and join us. Who knows this might be a way for the future, so we can take ‘church’ to people who cannot attend in person.