A Welcome Return
Monday 15th June, saw St Francis’s church once more open for private prayer, with the Blessed Sacrament exposed on the High Altar of the church. It was really good to see a steady number of people come back to their parish church to pray, whilst we are still in the midst of this pandemic and after a three month absence.
Of course, there have had to be changes, in line with both Government and Church of England regulations to allow us to open. The most obvious of these is the new seating arrangement. Gone are the rows of chairs, to be replaced by little more than a dozen, scattered at suitable distances around the nave. Hand sanitizers are placed at the entrance and exits, I would ask that you make use of these. Kneelers are in the process of also being removed and we ask that you enter by the main door and leave by the side door indicated, in order to maintain distancing.
Nevertheless, in spite of these constraints, it was fantastic to see people who have perhaps not seen each other for many weeks, be able to at least come back to church to pray before the Lord. Although, at the moment, we are unable to gather to worship the Lord as we are accustomed to, it as at least a welcome first step in the right direction!