Tea, Tiles and Tombstones

for 2 hours, 30 mins
Lapley All Saints
Church Road, Lapley Lapley Stafford, ST19 9JS, United Kingdom

Come and see the section of medieval tiled floor uncovered during the excavation work, have a chat over a cup of tea/coffee. Llook at the plan of the old graveyard and make sure the names on your family graves are included.
During lockdown several people expressed a view to see this information.
As there are some unmarked graves it would be great if more names could be added to this important document.

Lapley All Saints

There are a number of special services and events throughout the year, please check our Services and Events page for details. Everyone is most welcome at any (or all!) of these services/events, and throughout the year.

We follow a pattern of fortnightly services in each church on Sundays. . We offer communion in both kinds but also offer intinction for those who are not comfortable using the common cup.

Get in touch

(01785) 841170
01785 840334

Our website

What's on

Tea, Tiles and Tombstones

for 2 hours, 30 mins
Lapley All Saints
Church Road, Lapley Lapley Stafford, ST19 9JS, United Kingdom

Come and see the section of medieval tiled floor uncovered during the excavation work, have a chat over a cup of tea/coffee. Llook at the plan of the old graveyard and make sure the names on your family graves are included.
During lockdown several people expressed a view to see this information.
As there are some unmarked graves it would be great if more names could be added to this important document.