Facilities and features


We have Male, Female & Accessible toilet facilities in the centre adjacent to the church.

Our accessible toilet also includes baby changing facilities.

There is car parking available at the church site, with access to overflow car park on Sundays.

We have 3 toilets in the centre and one of them is an accessible toilet.

There is one accessible parking space, and some with extra sized bays.

Entrance to the church and centre are ground level. There is a portable ramp for access into the main body of the church, where there is a step, if required.

A hearing loop is on during the service.

All our liturgy is on screen, in large font.

There is a portable ramp for access into the main body of the church, where there is a step, if required.

Our Building

You will find St John's Church a warm and welcoming space.

St John's Church is a Grade II listed building.

Music and Worship

Worship is a mixture of live band lead worship and some weeks are contemporary worship music lyric videos.

Groups, Courses and Activities

We have a weekly K-Group, where you are able to come and discuss Sunday's talk in a informal environment. This is currently held in the centre, Wednesday's at 7:30pm. This happens most Wednesdays apart from when the discipleship course in running (1stWed of Month) and on holiday breaks.

There is a house prayer and fellowship group, meeting on Tuesdays from 10:30am-12pm.

We are running a 2 year course on the whole Bible. Study books are available and this happens once a month, giving plenty of time to complete readings for each session. This will be a rolling program, so you can join at any time. Currently Running 1st Wednesday of the Month.

Help for Visitors

Other Features

St John's runs a Food bank on Mondays, 11am-1pm.

We have a hearing loop and all our service liturgy/songs are displayed on a large screen and a side monitor.

St John's centre is for hire. Please call Mr John Gilman for centre availability and bookings 01782 517607