Holy Communion

Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
In St. Mary's Church, Kinnerley
In St. Mary's Church, Kinnerley

A 'central' Anglican Holy Communion Service using Common Worship, followed by tea or coffee at the back of the church. We especially encourage newcomers and visitors and do our best to make everyone feel welcome.

Coffee Stop

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
In church
In church

An opportunity for parents/carers to meet and relax after dropping the children at school- feel free to bring children too young for school along too! Enjoy coffee or tea with toast. Free of charge. Pop in for 10 minutes or stay for the duration.

Term time only

Filling Station

Every Third Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Knockin Assembly Rooms
Knockin Assembly Rooms, SY10 8HJ

The Filling Station is a new informal way of expressing the Christian faith. Using local, mid-week, monthly celebration meetings, the local church is strengthened and helped in many ways. This is not a new church denomination, it is a group of Christians who celebrate their faith in God in an informal and authentic fashion.

Not in August or December

Not in August or December

SupaClub ... not running during our time of vacancy

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
Kinnerley School
Kinnerley School

This is our alternative to Junior Church for the younger children. SUPA CLUB is for 5 to 11 year olds and meets on Thursdays during term time in Kinnerley School Hall. There are organised games, craft activities, music, refreshments and light Scripture or non-Scripture stories or poems to prompt further thought and discussion from the children. Depending on the time of year we finish each school term with a party or a picnic. Everyone enjoys themselves in this after-school club and new members are made very welcome.

Meets in term-time only.

Term time only

Bible Study

Every Second, Fourth Tuesday at for 1 hour
Cross Keys Inn
Cross Keys Inn, Kinnerley, SY10 8DE

The Bible Study Group is an informal opportunity to learn and discuss together relevant topics of faith. It is open to anyone who is interested in discussions relevant to everyday life from a Christian perspective. Newcomers are especially welcome to our friendly group meetings which are held on two Monday afternoons each month with breaks for Easter, summer holidays and Christmas.

Combined Service for all Five Churches in the Benefice

Every Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
Rotates between the five churches in the Benefice.
Rotates between the five churches in the Benefice.

A Holy Communion service. See the Church web site for details of location.

Mothers' Union

Every First Thursday at for 2 hours
In church
In church

Mothers' Union meet in the Church and also lead the Mothering Sunday service.

Worship for ALL

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 45 mins
Kinnerley St. Mary
Kinnerley Oswestry, SY10 8DE, United Kingdom

Service of the Word followed by coffee and biscuits.

Family Worship

Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
In St. Mary's Church, Kinnerley
In St. Mary's Church, Kinnerley

A very informal service with craft activities and children's songs and refreshments.