About Us

Welcome to St Thomas’ Church. Sadly, because of the virus restrictions, we’re currently not able to meet together in person. However, we are still meeting every Sunday with live streaming. Please join us by searching Facebook for St Thomas Kidsgrove – live on Sunday mornings – or any other time to catch up.


10.15am We start streaming a live video with a countdown so you can find us before the service starts.

10.30am We begin the 45 minute service with songs, prayers and a talk based on the Bible.

11.30am Join us for a live streamed all age talk.

11.45am We meet for coffee together via the Zoom website.

All the services are also available on our YouTube channel - search youtube for St Thomas Kidsgrove

Contact us for more details


St Thomas’ Church is a warm and friendly place to be - somewhere you can really feel part of a family.

Our aim is to know Jesus and to make him known. We believe that we need each other for friendship and encouragement, and so we come together as a Church family. Together, we learn more about the God who loves us and delights to hear us pray and worship him. We learn more about Jesus who died and rose again for us.

Whether you are still weighing up what you believe, or whether you are a committed Christian, we’d be delighted to see you at St Thomas’. So why not join us?


The parish of St Thomas Kidsgrove is committed to high standards in the safeguarding and care of children, young people and vulnerable adults. We have formally adopted the House of Bishops 'Promoting a Safer Church; Safeguarding policy statement" Our safeguarding officer is Siobhan Macey who can be contacted via [email protected]. Our deputy safeguarding officer is Rob Timmis who can be contacted via [email protected]. Our parish safeguarding policy can be downloaded by going to https://www.stthomaskidsgrove.co.uk/Publisher/File.aspx?ID=264023.You might find the following contact details useful:The Diocese of Lichfield Safeguarding - www.lichfield.anglican.org/safeguarding.Please contact Neil Spiring or Kim Hodgkins on 01543 306030.Staffordshire County Council's first response service - 0800 1313126Childline.org.uk - 0800 1111Victims of Domestic Abuse - [email protected] - 0300 303 3778