Meeting to Discuss the Future of Berkhamsytch Church

As you know we have been considering for some

time the future of Berkhamsytch Church and how we

can manage to keep it for the future or find some

other use for the building.

A number of questionnaires were sent out earlier

this year setting out some options for the future –

about 20 were returned out of about 200 distributed

and about half of these expressed a positive interest

in keeping the church going and expressing a

willingness to support it in some way.

Summary of Questionnaire Comments

There are several suggestions that the church could

be converted into a craft centre with coffee shop.

There would be a focus on art and craft and a venue

for people to meet and share coffee. It could also

provide facilities for an after-school club and attract

passing tourists.

Some think that the church is suitable only for

worship as the access is difficult, parking is limited

and there are no facilities for running water or


No one is in favour of offering the church as a

camping venue.

Most people accept that the church should be able

to pay its own way. Suggestions include inviting

people to make regular donations and holding fund-

raising events such as concerts, raffles, social

entertainment events, tea parties, barbecues,

summer fun days etc.

Several people thought that the church is no longer

viable and should be sold.

After we had analysed the questionnaires, we did

some more research into the options. Further

investigation would rule out converting the church

into a craft centre/coffee shop as it is unlikely

planning permission would be granted because of

the difficulties of access and parking.

The church will therefore need to pay its own way,

with its own volunteers, or be sold.

Selling the church also presents difficulties on

account of the consecrated ground and the valuable

stained-glass windows.

The Parochial Church Council have decided to have

one more attempt to ensure the viability of

Berkhamsytch Church.

You are invited to a public meeting to determine the

future of the church on Saturday 5th October at 10.00


At this meeting the results of the questionnaires will

be presented in detail, and you will have the

opportunity to pledge your support – either

financially or by becoming a volunteer to share in

taking responsibility for the care of the building.

Following that meeting and any clear outcomes from

it, Ipstones and Berkhamsytch PCC will need to make

a final decision about the church’s future.

We hope you will be able to attend this meeting, but

if not and if you are willing to offer any support,

please write the vicar before the meeting.

With our Best Wishes,

—Roger Cutts (Lay Reader)

—Revd Jane Held (Vicar)