Forthcoming events

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Saturday 28 September
Coffee and cake in Red Lion House from 10.30am to 12.00, Admission £3.00.
The YMCA urgently needs foodbank supplies and toiletries. Donations can be taken to the Coffee and Cake morning today.

Sunday 29 September
Harvest Thanksgiving at 09.15 in church.
This year it has been decided to have a Harvest Brunch instead of the usual Harvest Supper. This will take place in Red Lion House after the 09.15 Mass at 10.30am. There is no fixed price but donations are welcome.

Wednesday 2 October
Bingo and raffle with tombola in Red Lion House at 6.30pm for 7pm. Proceeds for church funds.

Friday 18 October
Messy Church 3.30pm to 4.45pm in Red Lion House.

Friday 25 October
YMCA Sleepout. Sponsorship Sheets are at the back of church.

Saturday 26 October
Coffee and cake in Red Lion House from 10.30am to 12.00, Admission £3.00.

Saturday 2 November
All Souls Day. Memorial Requiem Mass at 6.30pm followed by coffee in church.

Sunday 10 November
Remembrance Sunday Mass at 9.15am.

Friday 15 November
Messy Church 3.30pm to 4.45pm in Red Lion House.

Saturday 30 November
Coffee and cake in Red Lion House from 10.30am to 12.00, Admission £3.00.

Tuesday 10 December
Brownie and Guides Christmas Service in church 6pm.

Sunday 15 December
Mince Pies and Raffle after the 9.15am Mass.

Sunday 22 December
Readings and Carols in church at 6.30pm.

Tuesday 24 December – Christmas Eve
Messy Crib Craft Activities in Red Lion House, followed by a short service in church, then concluding with refreshments in Red Lion House. 4pm to 5.30pm.

Midnight Mass at 11.30pm

Wednesday 25 December - Christmas Day
Sung Family mass at 9.15am

Saturday 28 December
Coffee and cake in Red Lion House from 10.30am to 12.00, Admission £3.00.

See our Diary Page for the complete listing of all events this month.