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Are you a student (16-21) living in Norbury Parish?

Don't miss out!

Funds are available from the Skrymsher Educational Charity to assist Students with the expenses of further education.

If you wish to apply for an award and you: -

1) Live in the parish of Norbury;are attending a recognized full-time course in 2024/25; and

2) Aged between 16 and 21 in the school year starting on 1st September 2024.  (This is the equivalent of years 12 & 13 at school and the next 3 consecutive years in Higher Education).

You are invited to submit an application in writing to - Mrs. Jane Swinnerton, Trustee, Wentwood, High Meadow, Norbury, ST20 OPD by 31st OCTOBER 2024

Your application should be by letter including your Name, Date of Birth, Address, and give details of the course you are attending and any additional expenses.

All the above details can be found in the parish magazine