About Us
Whatever your background and circumstances you can be sure of a warm welcome here. Our church family is diverse in every respect, ethnically and generationally.
We want to reach out with God’s love and acceptance to all people, bringing healing and a fresh start where it is needed, and a new dimension to life that only Jesus Christ can give. We are always pleased to welcome enquirers and visitors.
Our vision
Our vision here at Holy Trinity is for the whole fellowship to express our love for God, for God's world, for one another and for our community through:
* Praying earnestly
* Serving others wholeheartedly
* Sharing our faith relevantly
* Using our buildings appropriately
in order to bring Christian hope and the love of Jesus to all.
Our building
The church building, in the decorated gothic style, opened in 1852. It is a grade II listed building, the Historic England listing gives details of its architectural features. It has, of course, been updated over the years. In 2020 a new kitchen, servery and disabled toilet was opened offering modern facilities but designed to blend in with the historic building.
Our churchyard
The churchyard extends to seven acres. It forms an important green space for local people and those visiting graves. It is still open for burials. The churchyard is maintained entirely by volunteers from the church and local community. If you would like to help please contact us.
For plans of the churchyard and information to help locate a grave see our burials records page.
The almshouses in the churchyard date from c.1850 and are a listed building. They form an attractive and historic feature of the churchyard but are not owned or managed by the church.
Baptisms, weddings & funerals
Baptisms and weddings are held at Holy Trinity from time to time for those who have a connection with the parish. Please contact the vicar in good time to discuss your plans.
Funerals are arranged by the funeral director who will make contact with the church. Someone from the church will then contact the next of kin.