Related Churches
Thomas the Apostle, Penkhull
Welcome to Thomas the Apostle Church, Penkhull.
Services are at 10.00am every Sunday and 10.30am on a Thursday for a service of Holy Communion.
Everyone is welcome - we're a happy bunch. Tea Coffee, Soft Drinks and Biscuits are served afterwards accompanied by friendly chat.
We have an open table - all are welcome to receive at Communion Services. Gluten free wafers and alcohol free wine are available. Those who do not wish to receive are invited to come forward for a blessing.
St John the Evangelist Church
Welcome to St John's Church!
We're a friendly and welcoming community, passionate about showing Christ's love to the people of Trent Vale.
Following a devastating fire in April 2022, we are working hard to get back to our church building. In the meantime, the church community is still alive and well and is meeting at St John's Centre (diagonally opposite the church on the A34).
We also work closely with the other two churches in our Benefice: St Thomas Penkhull and Holy Trinity Hartshill.
Do come and join us at any of our services or events - a warm welcome awaits you.
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Most churches are “Excepted Charities” and are therefore not registered with the Charity Commission. You can download a PDF that includes your church name, address and church code. This PDF, which is an extract from the Church of England’s database of churches, can serve as a certificate for churches requiring proof of their charity status when registering for online and card-based giving. Click on the download button below and log into your account. Once logged in, click on the download button and the certificate will be downloaded straight to your device. If you do not have an account, you can register here.