Online Compline (Night Prayer)

Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at for 30 mins
from home
from home

A short simple service of Night Prayer on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at 9.30pm on Zoom

Said Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Gnosall St Lawrence
Sellman Street, Gnosall Stafford, ST20 0EX, United Kingdom

At 8am each Sunday morning we have a said service of Holy Communion.

Holy Communion

Every Second, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Gnosall St Lawrence
Sellman Street, Gnosall Stafford, ST20 0EX, United Kingdom

On the second and third Sundays of the month we hold a service of Holy Communion, followed by refreshments. Do join us.

Morning Prayer

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
from home
from home

An opportunity to say Morning Prayer together with a few others on Zoom, using the same meeting ID and password as on our other Zoom services.

Messy Church

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Gnosall St Lawrence
Sellman Street, Gnosall Stafford, ST20 0EX, United Kingdom

Please note that there is no Messy Church in June. Please come along to Adbaston's Teddy Bear's Picnic on Saturday 15th June instead? Bring your bears!
Messy Church Service takes place on the third Sunday of the month, 4.00pm to 5.30pm. This is a service for all the family to participate in. We incorporate a bible story into our craft activities, singing and prayer and finish with refreshments.
In December we will be acting out a 'Messy Nativity'. Do join us.

Morning Worship

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Gnosall St Lawrence
Sellman Street, Gnosall Stafford, ST20 0EX, United Kingdom

Morning Worship led by members of our ministry team, with hymns, prayers and bible readings.

Coffee & Chat

Monthly. Every First Saturday at for 2 hours
Gnosall St Lawrence
Sellman Street, Gnosall Stafford, ST20 0EX, United Kingdom

Drop in for coffee and a chat on the first Saturday of each month from 10.30am-12.30pmin the Vestry of St Lawrence Church, enjoy some company in a warm and friendly place and we’ll even bring out the biscuits!

All are welcome.

Zoom Morning Worship

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
at home
at home

On the first Sunday of every month we meet on Zoom to sing, pray and worship together. Join us via your computer or by phone. Password details can be requested from the church office.

Adbaston Community Group

Monday 08 April 2024, Monday 22 April 2024, Monday 06 May 2024, Monday 20 May 2024, Monday 03 June 2024, Monday 17 June 2024, Monday 01 July 2024, Monday 15 July 2024, Monday 29 July 2024 at for 2 hours
Adbaston St Michael and All Angels
Marsh Meadow Adbaston Stafford, ST20 0QG, United Kingdom

Twenty Five years ago, when the Jubilee Room had just been revamped into a useful meeting room for the Church, three of us felt that we had the perfect opportunity to offer something to the Community both socially and maybe culturally, We began by inviting all the pensioners in the Parish to a Christmas Lunch. They all accepted and the room was full of incredible Christmas Cheer. From this followed fortnightly the Coffee mornings, some afternoon teas, the sewing group and Computer classes. There were also Flower arranging evenings, cake decorating and even Spanish lessons. and the very successful Art Group. The three constants were the Coffee Time, the Sewing Group' and the Art Group.
THEN, COVID HIT US ALL and stopped us in our tracks. We did not meet in the Jubilee Room for two years more or less. In the summer we did meet outside sitting well spaced as instructed. When we did finally get back to a new routine, sadly the Coffee Time fell by the wayside. although the sewing time and the Art Group thrive.
Now we want to restart the Coffee time on alternate Mondays Beginning on Monday 8th April from 10-00am to 12-00noon to see if we can once more enjoy that lovely chatty warm atmosphere that we had for so long. Everyone is welcome ,Ladies and gentlemen, from anywhere in the Benefice and beyond. Please come along and give it a try, What else is there to do on a Monday morning? It is no longer washing day, the machine does that. What is better to begin the week than a good coffee and chat. For any more information contact me on 01785 280397. Best Wishes, Jenny Muddimer.