Enquiry Evening

Every Monday at for 45 mins
St Nicholas
Church Road, Codsall Codsall Wolverhampton, WV8 1EH, United Kingdom

There will be someone available to help with information about baptisms, weddings etc. which you might like to take place in our churches of St Nicholas, Codsall or St Peters, Codsall Wood

We are not available on bank holidays

St Nicholas

Welcome to St. Nicholas Codsall and St. Peter's Codsall Wood

St Nicholas Church Codsall

Sunday’s 10am Communion Service [ Parish Communion at 10:00 a.m. is on-line here www.youtube.com/c/stnicholaschurchcodsall ]

Wednesday’s 2-3pm Private Prayer. Enjoy the quiet and peace of our church building

Thursday’s 10am Communion Service 2nd and 4th Thursdays

Monday / Wednesday 7pm Evening Prayer online [Please email Revd. Marg at [email protected] and you will be sent a link to join]

St Peters Church Codsall Wood

Thursday’s 10am Communion Service 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursdays

Get in touch

Rev'd Margaret Maddocks

The Vicarage
48, Church Rd


Our website

What's on

Enquiry Evening

Every Monday at for 45 mins
St Nicholas
Church Road, Codsall Codsall Wolverhampton, WV8 1EH, United Kingdom

There will be someone available to help with information about baptisms, weddings etc. which you might like to take place in our churches of St Nicholas, Codsall or St Peters, Codsall Wood

We are not available on bank holidays

St Nicholas Charity No. 1130892