Related Churches
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We are a committed and welcoming group of people who are passionate about our church and our village. As well as our Sunday worship which now includes Cafe Church on 2nd Sunday at 10.00am, Holy Communion on 3rd Sunday and Morning Prayer every 4th Sunday, we have occasional Forest Church, and regular social events.
Sambrook St Luke
We are a warm and welcoming village church. We have a variety of worship from traditional Holy Communion to more contemporary family worship. We have a home group and our benefice have a thriving youth and children's ministry.
Hales St Mary's
We are a small and welcoming congregation in a very traditional village setting. We offer a menu of worship that ranges from the traditional to a monthly family service. Our benefice has home groups and thriving youth and children's work.
Childs Ercall St Michael & All Angels
We are a small village church with a warm welcome for all. We have one Morning communion service and a thriving Sunday School every second Sunday. We also host morning prayers every 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9:30am
Cheswardine St Swithun's
We are a traditional village church with a range of worship. We have BCP Evening Prayer, Common Worship Communion, Contemporary Family Service led by the young people, and occasionally we host Forest church. We have a thriving young people's groups, home groups and children's events. We offer a warm welcome and a desire to make our building and community open to all people.
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