About Us

The church dates back to the 13th century. It is particularly noted for its fine stained-glass windows by William Morris and Edward Burne Jones.

Vicar - Rev'd Dr Henry Hope (licensing date 12th July 2024)

Church Warden - Mike Bowen 

Church Warden - Mary Williams

PCC Lay Chairman - Arthur Yardy

PCC Secretary - Agnes Hill

Treasurer - Amanda Kari

Deanery Synod Rep - Sandie Heyhoe

School Chaplain - Pam Kinshott

Foundation Governor (St Edward 's Academy) - Pam Kinshott , Agnes Hill

PCC - Pam Kinshott

PCC - Gill Richards

PCC - Glyn Amison

PCC - Sandie Heyhoe

PCC - Liz Green

PCC - Jennie Bowen

PCC - Ros Yardy

Whatever your reason for visiting our church; as a visitor, a tourist or at a service, you will be following in the footsteps of many who have been here before you as they expressed their faith in the Risen and Ascended Jesus Christ or searched for a deeper understanding of God our Father.

We pray that your visit will be richly rewarding to you as you experience the living presence of Christ in this historic building and that you enjoy the welcome of God's people who will derive much pleasure from your coming.