Rule of Life

Our Framework for Life

God invites us to a journey of life, following the way of Jesus Christ, inspired and enabled by the Holy Spirit.

As we follow Jesus, he calls on us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and also to love our neighbour as ourselves.

In Baptism, the ‘launch pad’ of Christian life, we are asked whether we will live in certain ways:

Exploring and following together in the teaching of the Church from its earliest days, praying and ‘breaking bread’ together.

Working hard at resisting evil, and whenever we get things wrong turning back to God and the way of Jesus.

Sharing the good news of God in Jesus Christ by what we say and do.

Looking for the presence of Jesus Christ in all people and so loving our neighbours (locally and across the world). Also being able to love ourselves.

Acknowledging Christ’s authority over human society, by praying for the world and its leaders, by defending the weak and seeking peace and justice.

That’s our calling. How we live that out in a complex world can feel puzzling, so it can help to have a framework to guide us. As the churches of St Paul’s in Burton, St John’s in Horninglow, and for the area of Shobnall served by St Aidan’s, we have a shared ‘rule’ or ‘rhythm’ of life to help us in our calling, as churches and as individuals.

Firstly, we remember that we are a people who BELIEVE. We have the conviction (even if we can’t always explain it or describe it) that we have seen something true and of immense value in knowing God in the person of Jesus Christ. Each of us is at a different stage and state of believing but we travel on together, learning with and supporting each other.

We do this by being a people who EXPLORE. God calls us to keep growing in faith, love and service, becoming more and more like Jesus. We explore in different ways: when we meet for prayer and worship, in groups that get together at certain times of the year (like Lent and Advent), and in other ways.

Thirdly, we ENGAGE. Jesus withdrew to pray to God but he then returned to the world, with all its joys and challenges. We don’t hide away from the world. We help one another grow in love and in the confidence to live out our faith where we are each day. We develop daily ‘habits of holiness’ that help us retune to God’s presence with us.

And we RESPOND – to God, for example when we come to God in the Mass (also known as the Eucharist or Holy Communion) and in prayer. We respond to our neighbour - serving Christ in all people, meeting their needs as best we can. We also share activities like craft groups, Messy Church, gathering to eat and drink together, youth club. And we try to use well the resources that God blesses us with.

All are welcome to join us. Do get in touch or come to share with us.

BEER Rule Diagram, PDF
