We'd love to hear from you

Please join us at our Sunday service at 10.45 am with coffee afterwards.

You can contact our priest Fr Simon Archer by email or by telephone.

You may also call our honourable retired priest

Rev Preb Phillip Jefferies 07984 892230

Or the churchwardens

John W.Woolley 01283 532748 or Colin Dawson 01283 516714

Safeguarding officer Sue Ganley 07852 473250

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

Fr Simon Archer

The Vicarage
Rangemore St
Burton upon Trent

DE14 2ED
Priest in charge
01283 902157
01283 532748

Our website