A Lent course running from 10th March at the Vicarage, start at 7.00pm. Using the Church of England Lent booklet Living Hope.
Sunday 5th January Epiphany Service at 1000amWednesday 8th January Morning Prayer at 0930amSunday12th January Morning Worship at 1000amWednesday15th January Morning Prayer at 0930amSunday 19th January Holy Communion at 1000amWednesday 22nd January Morning Prayer at 0930am Sunday 26th January Christingle service Wednesday 29th January Morning Prayer at 0930am
At the APCM the following were elected or reappointed – Churchwardens - Judith Rogers and Mike Holmes PCC - Vacancy, Dorothy Latimer, Irene Holmes, Maggie Brown, Debbie Hill-Brookes, Vacancy Deanery Synod - Chris Brown and Vacancy Gift Aid Officer - Mary Jarvis Electoral Roll Officer - Eileen McAllister Verger - Maggie Brown Safeguarding Officer - Hayley DelamontIndependent Examiner - LDBF Please contact the office if you are interested in the vacancies
As part of getting our Becoming Dementia Friendly Certificate. We are looking at using an individuals church passport to show what our memories of favourite church related things and events, linking this with out local care homes. To produce a collage or similar to show our memories and connections between Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III coronations - do you have memories that can be written down or photographs to help build this up and display at church.A prayer for people affected by Dementia , Action Week 13th to 19th MayDementia Service and associated Lichfield Diocese blogFor more information on our Dementia-Friendly Church Network in the Diocese of Lichfield, covering Staffordshire, The Black Country & north Shropshire,contact Sarah ThorpeDementia-Friendly Church Enablersarah.thorpe@lichfield.anglican.org0798 224 8949