Facilities and features


There is disabled toilet in the foyer and upstairs there are three further toilets.

There are baby changing facilities in the disabled toilet in the foyer.

There is a back rack just outside the church entrance and we would encourage people to cycle to church if they can.

Accessible car parking

There is a public defibrillator available just outside the Resolute cafe in Higginson Park, right across the road from the church.

Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print

Assistance dogs are welcome within the church.

Our Building

All Saints Marlow has currently achieved a Silver award and we are working towards the Diocese target of net zero by 2025.

Listed Building

Music and Worship

There has been a church on the present site since before 1070. We know that by 1593 the building had a wooden tower with four bells, and these had been increased to five by 1610. In 1719 the five bells were recast into six. Three of these six still exist in our present ring of eight bells. In 1834, when the present church was under construction, the six bells from the old building were installed and augmented to eight by the addition of a new treble and tenor. In 1934, all eight bells were re-tuned and re-hung on ball bearings.

Visitors are always welcome so if you would like to give it a try then please visit the belfry on practice night, Tuesdays between 7.30pm and 8.30pm. Alternatively you can contact the Tower Captain – Tina Ruff – on 01628 475925.

Ringing for the services takes place on Sundays between 8.45am and 9.15am.

We routinely host choral and orchestral concerts at All Saints Marlow. Check out the events page on our website to find out what there is coming up.


We are blessed with a very fine three-manual ‘Father’ Willis organ, thoroughly overhauled by Mander Organs in 1997 (the company responsible also for the renovation of the ‘Father’ Willis organ in the Royal Albert Hall) and we have just had one set of bellows re-leathered by Bishop’s of Ipswich.

We are very thankful to be blessed with an adult choir who enhance our worship at our weekly Sunday 9.15 communion service.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Youth Group

We regularly run Alpha courses at All Saints Marlow, and elsewhere in the parish, so visit our website to find out when and where they are taking place.

There are many bible study groups taking place as part of our Connect Groups. Check out the Connect Group pages of our website to find out more.


Teeny Saints meets weekly, every Thursday from 9.30am till 11.30am, please come join in the fun!

We work closely with a local charity called Marlow Refugee Action . Further information can be found at http://marlowrefugeeaction.org.uk/

Help for Visitors

Free wifi
Guidebooks / Notes
Church Open

Other Features

We regularly have a stall selling Fairtrade goods at our Sunday services.

We support the One Can Trust based out of High Wycombe and have collection point in our foyer for people to donate goods to.

Audio-Visual Facilities
Conservation Area

The All Saints Church Hall is ideal for classes, meetings and parties. It is located on The Causeway, Marlow (SL7 2AA). It has two Halls, kitchen with cooker, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, counter top hot water boiler and ample crockery, cutlery, glassware, chairs & tables. The hall has an access ramp to the front door and is located at the bottom of the High Street between Burgers the Baker and the George and Dragon. There is a public car park nearby.

The Main Hall is approximately 13.5 x 7.5 metres (45 x 24 feet). It features a wood effect floor, a regularly tuned piano, a pull down projection screen and hatch access to the kitchen.

The Small Hall is approximately 7 x 6 metres (23 x 20 feet), has a carpeted floor and also has hatch access to the kitchen.

Main Hall (Wethered Hall)
Weekends: £20.00 per hour
Weekdays (up to 6 pm): £14.00 per hour
Weekdays (after 6 pm):£20.00 per hour
Use of Piano: £7 per booking

Small Hall (Nesta Liston Room)
Weekends: £16.00 per hour
Weekdays (up to 6 pm): £12.00 per hour
Weekdays (after 6 pm): £15.00 per hour

Charge for full use of kitchen: £30
Charge for making drinks: £10

2 for 1 offer for weekend children’s parties - Five hours for £100 that includes both the Main and Small Halls as well as use of the kitchen. Use the Main Hall for entertainment and the Small Hall for party food with child sized tables and chairs available for 40 children. If you want to have a bouncy castle then the maximum clearance in the Main Hall is 3.4 metres (approx 11’2″).

For booking information please email [email protected]