The Parish Church of St John the Baptist, Keele, is committed to safeguarding and has adopted the National and Diocesan Safeguarding Policies.SAFEGUARDING POLICY - adopted by the Parochial Church Council (PCC) on 21st January, 2019 - to be reviewed annually.
The PCC of St John's Church, Keele, recognises the importance of its ministry among vulnerably people (who include adults and children). We have a duty to protect and safeguard the welfare of the vulnerable with whom we work and who are entrusted to our care.
All children and young people have legal, emotional, educational, and spiritual status that protects them as vulnerable persons. At stages beyond infancy, childhood, and adolescence, all people will be vulnerable arising either through physical, mental, social, or spiritual issues. Gender and sexuality may also render people vulnerable to abuse.
THE PCC OF ST JOHN'S CHURCH KEELE is therefore committed to:
* the safeguarding and nurture of all vulnerable people (children and adults) within our church community;
* ensuring that those who work in our name with the vulnerable will undertake enhanced DBS checks as required and shall attend Diocesan Safeguarding training;
* respond without delay to every complaint made concerning risk or harm to vulnerable persons for whom we are responsible;
* full co-operation with Statutory agencies during any investigation into allegations concerning our ministry among or involving the vulnerable;
* seeking to offer sensitive and informed pastoral care to any vulnerable person who has suffered abuse;
* caring for and supervising any who worship with us or come to worship with us, who are known to have offended against the vulnerable;
In order to implement this Policy, the PCC will:
* appoint a Safeguarding Co-Ordinator to work with us in our implementation of Safeguarding. The Co-Ordinator shall be required to undertake enhanced DBS checks as required, and to attend Diocesan Safeguarding training. The Co-Ordinator shall report any Safeguarding concerns, with regard to St John's Church and its work, regarding vulnerable people, to the Statutory Agencies and to the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer;
* ensure that all who minister or work in our name with vulnerable persons are appointed, trained, and supported appropriately, and are familiar with relevant Safeguarding policies, procedures, and good practice guidelines;
* be especially sensitive to persons with special needs; those from national or ethnic minorities, and LGBT+ persons. We shall treat them with respect and ensure their full integration within the life of the Church;
* co-operate with Schools with who we work and who, from time to time, make use of the church building, to ensure that our procedures and their compliment each other;
* create and encourage within our church community a sense of responsibility towards and vigilance over the vulnerable, and to be watchful for those among us who would abuse them or not treat them with respect;
* ensure that appropriate care is available to those who have disclosed that they have been abused, or that their dependents have been abused;
* ensure that we keep a watchful eye over those who worship with us, or who come to worship with us, who have a history of posing a threat to the vulnerable, that they are never placed in positions that may threaten or otherwise abuse the vulnerable;
* ensure that Safeguarding issues are brought to the attention of the PCC as required and not less that twice during each PCC year of Office.