Church in space

In the parish of Dunstanding in the Mud – on Sea

The Vicar cycles to meet with the PCC

There’s an exciting new venture for them to agree

A quite unusual experience it will be

A unique opportunity has come our way

With the International Space Station at the end of it’s day

The first Church in space is what I have planned

Now I just need ideas to see where we stand

The Treasurer’s face is a study of fear

We can only just pay Parish Share each year

Don’t worry I’ve spoken to a man I can trust

I think you might know him he’s called Elon Musk

He’s offered free transport on his brand new spaceship

I thought that was kind, but we’ll still leave him a tip

The journey is quite long, so I think you will need

To take a book with you for something to read.

The Churchwarden will have to be on the first flight

As he will get books out and turn on the light

As it’s out of this world no faculty needed

I’ve asked for a grant but that hasn’t succeeded.

During the sermon I may ask you to sit,

Whichever way up you find is the best fit

Hanging on to my vestments is not a good look

So, I think in the roof we’ll hang a new hook

Now Communion will be different as you’ll understand

The Wafers will float right out of my hand

We’ll have to practice how to catch them next Sunday

A fishing net or a tea strainer may come in handy.

The wine will be different also you see

How to get it cleanly to you all from me

I suggest a syringe so with just a quick squirt

I’m sure with practice we’ll get quite expert.

A friendly old chap from the back of the room

Said I’m sorry, I don’t want to cause unnecessary gloom

Though I like the idea of going To Infinity and Beyond

But I think dear Vicar you’ve probably been conned

So, lets get our feet firmly back on the ground

And back to normal – so who’s buying the next round?

Rhona Burgess August 2024