Every Wednesday and Friday at for 30 mins
Morning service online twice a week. To join us for morning prayer on Zoom on Wednesday and Friday mornings,
EITHER click here: https://zoom.us/j/180484282 (you may need the meeting ID which is: 180 484 282)
OR make a call from your telephone (at the same cost as a national call to a landline from your phone) to 01314 601196. You'll need the Meeting ID which is: 180 484 282 You'd be very welcome!
EITHER click here: https://zoom.us/j/180484282 (you may need the meeting ID which is: 180 484 282)
OR make a call from your telephone (at the same cost as a national call to a landline from your phone) to 01314 601196. You'll need the Meeting ID which is: 180 484 282 You'd be very welcome!
Weekday online service
Every Wednesday and Friday at 9:30 a.m. for 30 mins
Weekday online service
Every Wednesday and Friday at 9:30 a.m. for 30 mins