Notice of Preparation of new Electoral Roll

Form-3_Preparation_New_Roll.pdf.jpg Download
Application-for-Enrolment-Electoral-Roll.pdf Download

Notice of Preparation of new Electoral Roll

Every six years the church Electoral Roll has to be completely recompiled and 2025 is such a year!

To meet with requirements, every person who is on the current electoral roll must reapply by using the official form. The Notice and the Application Forms can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.

You can print it and complete at home, scan and email to Jen Matthewman at [email protected]

Alternatively, completed forms can be dropped off at church or post through Jen's door at 23 Park Road

Before 31st January a notice will be put up in church and on the main noticeboard outside church detailing the requirement. There will also be a notice placed on the church website and on our Facebook page.

If you can please help to spread the word to let everyone know that they need to reapply and to take a few moments to complete the forms for yourselves we would be hugely grateful!

Please note that forms must be received by 31st March