Facilities and features


We have toilets available off the church foyer.

One toilet cubicle also holds the baby changing mat and both have toddler steps.

On Sunday mornings we usually have access to parking in Aldridge School, entrance between Nos. 6 & 8 Tynings Lane. This helps to avoid congestion on Tynings Lane itself. We sometimes arrange extra parking at the school for other special occasions.

Our toilets are directly off the foyer at the same level as the rest of the building. Both have handrails which can be lowered for use.

We have a few spaces outside the house next door (No. 4), which we also own as our Church Hall.

There is a public defibrillator in the entrance driveway to Aldridge School between Nos. 6 & 8 Tynings Lane. It is outside the school gates, so still available 24/7.

The entrance is an inclined brick path without steps from the pavement to the foyer door. There is a handrail on one side.

Assistance dogs are welcome, but please be aware that some people are uneasy around any dog, even the well-behaved ones.

The whole parish is working towards becoming Dementia friendly as part of Lichfield's Diocese-wide initiative.

We have gluten-free wafers available on request at our monthly services of Holy Communion. Please ask the celebrant when you get to the front of the line.

We currently have no BSL qualified signers but see the Makaton entry.

We are experimenting with a repeater screen for those who cannot easily see the projected words or pictures.

The access is step-free and the toilets are equipped with handrails.

One of our musicians signs in Makaton for songs in our Sunday services.

Our Building

Music and Worship

The worship band leads songs and hymns in our Sunday services. We practice on Wednesday evenings at 7:30, when other congregation members may join us for rehearsal and worship without having to commit to the Sunday band.

Groups, Courses and Activities

As we are part of the Parish of Aldridge, teenagers in our church may go to Aldridge Youth Fellowship at the Parish Church Centre, behind Aldridge Parish Church and near Cooper & Jordan School. They meet on most Friday evenings. Contact the Parish Church Office on 01922 455229 or see the website at https://www.aldridgeparish.org.uk for further details.

Alpha runs at the various churches within the parish at intervals throughout the year. Contact the Parish Church Office on 01922 455229 or see the website at https://www.aldridgeparish.org.uk for further details.

There are small groups for prayer, support and Bible study on weekdays. These are based in private homes. Contact the churchwardens at services or via [email protected] for details and an introduction to a group leader.

Brownies (7-10 years) meet here each week. For further details please contact Rebecca Sly on 01922 446489

Coffee Morning runs on most Mondays except Bank Holidays and over Christmas from 9:45 to 11:15. It is now part of the "Places of Welcome" scheme.

The THOMAS Project ran the "Plant to Plate" scheme again in 2024. The "Plant" bit takes place in the garden at the rear of No. 4 Tynings Lane. Please contact the THOMAS Project for details of this and their many other schemes.

See Alpha Course entry.

We run holiday clubs during the school Easter and summer breaks in conjunction with the other Anglican churches of the parish and the Hothouse outreach on the Redhouse estate. See https://www.facebook.com/TyningsLaneChurch/ for details.

Seedlings Praise is on Monday afternoons and Tuesday mornings in school term time, i.e. not half terms or holidays. Please see our local council website https://www.walsall.gov.uk for local school term dates.

See our Messy Church entry for Seedlings Praise.

Rainbows (4-6 years) meet here each week. For further details please contact Rebecca Sly on 01922 446489

We have a Children & Families worker, who runs the "Seedling Praise" Messy Church services in the week and the Hive on Sunday mornings. For teenagers 14+ please see the "Youth group" entry.

Help for Visitors

Other Features

We serve Fairtrade Tea and Coffee at all events where refreshments are provided.

In place of service or hymn books, we project the Sunday service liturgy, Bible passages and song/hymn lyrics for the congregation to see. This also allows us to show slides & video clips for other parts of the service. The worship band and the service leaders use a PA system.

The church hall is available for children's parties and similar events. Use the mailbox on this site or contact [email protected] for details.

We now have an accredited ACTS 435 assessor.