What is Contextual Theology
Contextual Theology is a way of talking about God through the lens of a specific situation. This context considers the political and economic factors that frame social and cultural experiences. So, our God-talk can be relevant if it is rooted in the lived experience of people in particular contexts. This is a multi-faceted discipline and includes Liberation, Black, and Feminist Theologies, which gives a focus to the struggles of the poor and the oppressed; These theologies are the experiences of people of Global Mayoralty Heritage and promote a theology that is empowering of Women in the Christian tradition. Contextual theologians engage with the Bible to promote social justice through an understanding of the human experience of inequality and marginalisation. So, the important characteristics of this discipline are Experience, Culture and Social Justice as an important starting point for Theological Reflection. In other words, this is how we talk about God as the driver of our being who is there for Women, Black and marginalized people in this world and for everyone. All this shapes our Christian faith as something real, related to this world and the life beyond. This reasoning takes place not in a vacuum but rather in a context that advocates a faith perspective that favours the oppressed. Contextual theology is a sign post to Liberation. In this context the Christan faith is a source for Epiphany and Resurrection.
Father David
Before Lent 2025