Adwell St Mary

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What's on

Holy Communion BCP

In January, February, March, May, September, October, December. Every Second Sunday at for 45 mins
Adwell St Mary
Adwell Oxford, OX9 7DQ, United Kingdom

Traditional Book of Common Prayer Communion Service



The PCC of St Mary’s Adwell agreed and adopted the following Policy on Safeguarding and Child Protection at a meeting held on 1st July 2019.

1. The PCC of Adwell is committed to:

1.1. The care, nurture of, and respectful pastoral ministry with all children and all adults

1.2. The safeguarding and protection of all children, young people and adults when they are vulnerable

1.3. The establishing of safe, caring communities which provide a loving environment where there is a culture of ‘informed vigilance’ as to the dangers of abuse.

2. The PCC of Adwell is completely satisfied that within the work currently carried out in the Parish there are no safeguarding issues which might arise. The PCC of Adwell does not employ any staff and there is therefore currently no need for training of staff or the use of Disclosure and Barring Service criminal records checks. Should the situation change in any way the PCC of Adwell will review this policy and introduce something which is appropriate in order to underscore the commitments in 1 above.

3. Should it become necessary within the parish to recruit anyone to carry out work in the parish we will carefully select and train all those with any responsibility within the Church, in line with safer recruitment principles, including the use of Disclosure and Barring Service criminal records checks.

4. The PCC of Adwell will respond without delay to any complaint made which suggests that an adult, child or young person may have been harmed, co-operating with the police and local authority in any investigation as is our obligation in law and we will have a clear reporting procedure in place within the PCC and the wider Diocese.

5. The PCC of Adwell will seek to work with anyone who has suffered abuse, developing with him or her an appropriate ministry of informed pastoral care.

6. The PCC of Adwell will seek to challenge any abuse of power, especially by anyone in a position of trust.

If you have any concerns regarding the safety of Children or Vulnerable Adults at the church of St. Mary Adwell

Please contact:

Mr. Colin Roberts

Safeguarding Officer

Tel: 07837 287 064

email: [email protected]


Stuart Nimmo

Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser

Tel: 01865 208 290

email: [email protected]


Local Authority Social Services

Tel: 0345 050 7666