Christmas 2024
As we journey together through this joyful Christmas season, I invite you to take part in the rich tapestry of worship and celebration here at St. John's. This Sunday promises to be especially delightful as we gather for our "Walk-On Nativity"service. Whether young or old, come ready to step into the story as we enjoy a dramatic and interactive retelling of the birth of Christ. No rehearsals needed—just bring your sense of wonder! We encourage youngsters to come ready-dressed, or to use costumes we can supply.
Later that same day, we will celebrate our beloved Christingle Service in the evening. It's always a heartwarming time as the glow of Christingle oranges reminds us of Jesus as the Light of the World, shining into the darkness.
On Christmas Eve, we invite you to pause amidst the preparations for Midnight Mass, a sacred moment of quiet reflection and devotion. At the heart of this service, we will share in Holy Communion together, remembering Christ's gift of himself for us. It’s a beautiful opportunity to welcome the Christ-child in the stillness of the night before the joyful busyness of Christmas morning.
Finally, on Christmas Day, we gather as one church family to celebrate the birth of our Saviour with gladness and thanksgiving. Come and rejoice with us!
May this season bring you deep peace, renewed hope, and the joy of knowing God’s love made flesh in Jesus.
With every blessing,
MarkListen and watch services on YouTube: