Sunday 14th July 2024

This week, we are returning to the Lectionary and exploring the passage in Mark’s Gospel re-counting the beheading of John the Baptist! A challenging piece of scripture indeed, but one that contains deeply profound insights into what discipleship means and looks like. I really can’t wait to dive into the passage, and I hope you are excited too. One aspect of discipleship is learning to identify the gifts God has entrusted each one of us with. If you remember, last week we wrote on post-it-notes the gifts God has given each one of us. I’m looking forward to reading some of these out on Sunday and celebrating the richness that God has deposited in our community. Connected to discipleship, we will also be reading Psalm 24 that asks, ‘Who may ascend the hill of the Lord?’ and seeing how this relates to the passage in Mark.

Every blessing, Mark

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