Evening Prayer

Every Second Sunday at for 20 mins
St Laurence
High Street Winslow BUCKINGHAM, MK18 3AB, United Kingdom

An online evening prayer service, pre-recorded by the Winslow Benefice.

St Laurence

Welcome to St Laurence Church, Winslow. Our worship is a mixture of the choral, liturgical, contemplative and sacramental. We have a large all-age choir spanning an age range of 78 years and an enthusiastic congregation who are warm and welcoming.

St Laurence is a member of the Royal Society of Church Music and a proud member of Inclusive Church. We have an 8am BCP service on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 8am, and a choral family communion service each Sunday at 09.30am. On the third Sunday this is a more child-oriented service assisted by the children, with bacon and sausage breakfast rolls provided afterwards!  Evening services tend to be more quiet and contemplative in nature, either in St Laurence's or in our sister church St Mary's Church, Addington. Please see our website of Facebook Page for more details of these services. We have a short, half-hour midweek said communion service including prayers for the community at midday each Wednesday, following our regular coffee morning in the adjacent St Laurence Rooms situated on the town's main square, and a vibrant children's group, the 'Vestry Club', which meets during part of the service most weeks.

We are a fully inclusive church and are fully welcoming of young people, families, and older adults, as well as those with protected characteristics and members of the LGBTQI+ community. Our church is served by ramps into and out of the building for wheelchair users and are currently investing in a new sound system with improved loop services. We have a servery at the back of the church which serves refreshments after each family service, and toilets and baby changing facilities in the adjacent St Laurence Rooms. 

The parish of Winslow is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer(s), PSOs. The Diocese of Oxford’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our PSOs.

Get in touch

Reverend Stephen O'Connor

The Vicarage
Vicarage Road

MK18 3BJ
07305 271 148
Church Warden
07803 942 687

Our website

What's on

Evening Prayer

Every Second Sunday at for 20 mins
St Laurence
High Street Winslow BUCKINGHAM, MK18 3AB, United Kingdom

An online evening prayer service, pre-recorded by the Winslow Benefice.