We celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday at 10:00 am, save for the first Sunday of the month when it is 10:30am and preceded by breakfast at 9:30am.
When it comes to receiving Communion please come to the front of the church in single file to receive Communion.
We offer the Body of Christ (bread) and the Blood of Christ (wine) and you are welcome to receive both. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO RECEIVE FROM THE CHALICE. Whether or not you receive in both kinds is completely up to you.
Please leave the service books in the pew/seat when you leave.
There is no collection during the service but a bucket for collections is provided by the porch door alongside, along with two card readers for contactless donations: one card reader is for the PCC (for the funds towards running the church) and one card reader is marked SWIFT for the funds towards The Oak Room.
We hold a service of Morning Prayer on Tuesday mornings via Zoom. Please do join us. The link (and it’s the same every Tuesday) is :-
Meeting ID: 912 2075 2668
Passcode: 779517
God bless you,
Rev'd Susan