About Us

For much more information about everything at St Mary the Virgin, please see our dedicated web-site - www.stmaryswt.org.

You are warmly welcomed to join us for any of our services.

St Mary's is Weston Turville's Parish Church - mainly 13th and 14th century, with 15th century tower and roofs.

As well as an enthusiastic Choir, there are events for children every third Sunday; THIRD SUNDAY SPECIAL is a service for families with toddlers to ten year olds (in Church).  On Wednesday afternoons, children aged 8-11 join the EXPLORERS club in Church to explore Bible stories. 
JIGSAW, our annual Christian summer holiday activity week in July, invites all children of primary school age in Weston Turville to this event which takes place in the village school, and involves helpers from the community.
The team is made up of Rev'd Susan Fellows (Priest and Director of Music) and The Captain of Bells, Brian Robson, who leads a team who ring a peal of six bells.

A History of the Church of St Mary the Virgin was published in December 2010  - for details please see information in panel to left.