Baptisms, Confirmation, Weddings, Blessings & Funerals

We are privileged to be able to play a part in your special occasion. We are always glad to hear from anyone planning a baptism, wedding or funeral. YOU are welcome here.

Baptisms / Christenings are usually held on Sundays. A baptism is a wonderful celebration of new life. In Baptism we welcome people into the Christian faith. Promises are made by parents on behalf of their children. Adults commit themselves to be members of the church family.

There is no charge for a Baptism service, although donations are appreciated and a collection plate is available at the end of the service.​ Our primary concern is the person being baptised - you are welcome if the child's parents are married or baptised or not, a same-sex couple, a single parent household, an adoptive family, or whatever else. There is no upper age limit for baptism - it's never too late!

Confirmation is an important occasion when Christians confirm their faith for themselves. Contact us to find out more.

Weddings have straightforward and important legal issues attached, which we will be pleased to talk through with you. If you live in the parish, or fulfil various other qualifications, you're entitled to be married in church, and if you have a connection to one of our churches, you can marry in any of them! We are pleased to remarry divorcees in church (there will be a couple of very simple questions to answer). Please contact us to discuss the arrangements as early as possible to ensure the date and time you'd like can be fixed.

Copy the address below into your browser search to complete an enquiry form:

Banns These will need to be read at your own Parish Church if you are being married at another Church, please download a form - see below.

Copy the address below into your browser search to complete a banns enquiry form: 

Blessings for marriages held elsewhere can be held in church , and we welcome ALL people who wish to celebrate these. Prayers of thanksgiving, dedication and asking for God’s blessing for same-sex couples can be held in church from 17th December 2023.

Funerals can be held in church for anyone who lives in, or has a connection to the parish - the deceased may have attended church all their life or not at all - all are welcome and we are privileged to play a part at this most important time. Our clergy are also able to officiate at funerals at crematoria or cemeteries: please contact them directly, or via the Funeral Director.

Weddings and Funerals do have fees attached to them, but these can be waived in cases of hardship - please speak to clergy urgently about this.

Baby loss We are privileged to be invited to offer short blessing services at Funeral Director's chapels, or wherever is convenient, for those who have suffered loss through miscarriage, compassionate induction, those who have had an abortion, a stillborn or loss in early infancy. We are also privileged to be involved in funerals for these babies if parents wish. There is no charge for any of these services. Please contact us if we can be of assistance.

Parochial Fees 2025, PDF
