Facilities and features



Pay and display car parks near to the Church.
Limited spaces in the Market Place at the front of the Church

Church hall toilets open during main services.

Front entrance to Church is flat.

Available in pews nearest the main aisle

Large print pew sheets are available, please ask the Parish Office for anything else needing in large print.

All dogs (on leads) are very welcome in the Church

We are a recognised Dementia friendly Church with Dementia approved signage

Gluten free wafers are available for Communion, please ask at the beginning of the service if you require one.

Wheelchair access

Our Building

Currently open for private prayer 9.30am -5pm

Stained Glass

The building was erected in 1338 The largest Wool Church in the area.
The Tower was once 180 feet high before the collapse. The highest Church tower in Norfolk.

Music and Worship

The Church bells are rung before each main service

We hold many live music concerts during the year. Check the events page.

Look at the Music page for more information regarding our wonderful organ.

We use the Book of Common Prayer for our 8am Holy Communion and for 5pm Choral Evensong.

Check out the information on the Music page.

Groups, Courses and Activities

We hold Sunday kids meetings during Term time 10.15am, 1st and 3rd Sundays each month.

Nurture Courses

There are regular Bible study groups please ask for details if you wish to join one.

Our Parish Administrator is a Guide leader with a local Brownie unit. If you require details of how to join contact her at the Parish Office.

Coffee mornings are held in the Church rooms on a Thursday morning 9.00am -11.30am

We have a Mother's Union group, please ask for details.

Help for Visitors

He have an Audio tour available for visitors in the Church.

Guide books are available on the book stall Price £2 each

Church Open
Dog friendly

Other Features


We have a collection box in the church, and are delighted to host the North Norfolk foodbank in the St Nicholas Room adjacent to the church, 1-3pm on Wednesdays. Find more here: https://northnorfolk.foodbank.org.uk

Audio-Visual Facilities
Conservation Area
Back to Church Sunday
Hall for Hire
Prayers of Love and Faith