Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities

Parking for the church can be found directly behind the church or parking is available at St Nicholas Church Hall

Accessible Toilet
Hearing (induction) Loop

We have copies of large print service sheets and hymn books. We can also offer page magnifiers.

We try to provide gluten-free biscuits at after service refreshments.

St Nicholas is wheelchair accessible.

Our Building

All of our church windows contain beautiful stained glass of various vintages depicting biblical and local stories.

The Parish of the Transfiguration which includes St Nicholas and St Hugh have obtained the Bronze Eco Church Award and are working towards the Silver.

Listed Building

Music and Worship


Groups, Courses and Activities

Details of the Alpha Course can be found on our website https://www.harborough-anglican.org.uk/alpha-course

Every month we hold a '3Cs - Coffee, Cake and Chat' which takes place in St Nicholas Church Extension, Little Bowden. All welcome.

We hold various events throughout the year, including the June Fair, Nativity Festival, Light a Candle for those you have lost, Remembrance services and Carols on The Green to name but a few.

Solo - a group for single people - Mondays at 10am in St Nicholas Church extension.

We love Messy Church at the Transfiguration. Sessions run throughout the year, for more details see here https://www.harborough-anglican.org.uk/messy-church

Mother's Union attend 10am service on the second Wednesday in the month at St Nicholas, Little Bowden where they also provide refreshments following the service.

SNUGS is our term-time under 5s offering. Join us on a Tuesday morning at 9.30am in St Nicholas.

Various voluntary Groups meet in our buildings.

Help for Visitors

Guidebooks / Notes

Other Features

We endeavour to offer Fairtrade refreshments following our services.

We are a collection point for the Jubilee Foodbank and Hygiene Bank. Items can be dropped off at St Nicholas or St Hugh, when the church is open, ready for collection on the second Tuesday of the month.

Both of our churches have a hearing induction loop. We also stream our 10am Sunday services via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Stnicholasandsthugh

Details of how to hire our hall can be found here https://www.harborough-anglican.org.uk/church-hall-contacts

Please get in touch if you would like to know more. [email protected]