About Us
Welcome! Saint Dionysius (normally known as St Di's) is an historic town centre church in the middle of Market Harborough to which all are most welcome.
We are a group of (imperfect!) humans, who have known God's transforming love in Jesus Christ, and seek to grow in faith, hope, love and community so as to make a bigger difference in Market Harborough. All are welcome to join this journey.
Across a week there is a wide range of communities to join and activities to explore and be involved with. We worship in a wide range of styles, from traditional 1662 Prayer Book language to contemporary and informal, from choir to band, from Sundays to weekdays.
Rather than list every possible group or form of service at length here, why not get in touch? Everyone is always welcome at any service. If you haven't been to church before, or in a while, the service leader will guide you through the service. In a larger church with lots of visitors, it can sometimes be hard to notice those who are new so please do introduce yourself to the person leading the service if you feel comfortable doing so. There are welcome cards at the back of church with a range of options for finding out more too.
St Dionysius is part of the Harborough Anglican Team which comprises five Church of England churches in Market Harborough, Little Bowden, Great Bowden and Lubenham. We work closely as a Team recognising that we can do more together than we can apart and that no one church can be or do everything.
God has made us all different and distinct and we seek to honour that as a Team with a wide range of different styles of worship and of being a worshipping community. Not every style will be right for every person and so, with five churches and around a dozen different congregations, do contact us for suggestions as to where may be right for you.
St Di's is part of a Team of churches who support the church-run youth centre in Harborough, The Cube. The Cube runs a variety of groups, drop in’s, life skill courses and much more to which all are welcome. They also offer support around areas such as teenage mental health, counselling and bereavement support for children and young people.
If you are interested in a Christening or a Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child there are more details on our main website.
For more details on getting married in one of the five churches, please click here.