Sunday Worship

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
Hoby: All Saints
Church Lane Hoby Melton Mowbray, LE14 3DR, United Kingdom

We worship ecumenically with Hoby Methodist Chapel. Our services are usually held on the fourth Sunday of each month. We typically meet in the Chapel in winter and the church in Summer. The changing of the clocks carries this out.
The church is open from dawn to dusk seven days a week. There is a toilet and marmalade to purchase.


Sunday 22 May 2022 at for 1 hour
Hoby: All Saints
Church Lane Hoby Melton Mowbray, LE14 3DR, United Kingdom

This Sunday we are celebrating Rogationtide!

We are leaving the building and going out and about! Do join us from Church to Chapel and the bit in between! 🌱🌻

We will be celebrating God’s wonderful creation. We remind ourselves of how much we depend on the crops in the fields and farm animals for our food, as well as remembering so many other blessings. But it is also a time to repent of the harm we have done and are doing to our planet: our neglect and exploitation of our environment; our treatment of our fellow creatures, so that many are now facing extinction; above all, global warming and climate change, largely man-made. As Christians we cannot shrug our shoulders, and carry on as if nothing is happening. We human beings are responsible for planet earth. God has placed it in our hands. We must repent and with God’s help we can and we must change our ways.
Starting at the church at 10.30am with a walk around the village and finishing at the chapel.