
Safeguarding: The Gospel speaks of welcome for all, especially the most vulnerable, into a Church which affirms the value and dignity of every human and those in positions of responsibility and authority are truly trustworthy. Being faithful to this therefore compels us to take with utmost seriousness the challenge of preventing abuse from happening and responding well where it has. Please note that we currently have no designated Safeguarding Officer, but if you have any cause for concern please

Contact one of the following:

John Phillips (Parish Safeguarding Contact Person), on 01845 577034

The Rev'd Mary Rolls, Area Dean, on [email protected] or 07877 213327

Rob Marshall, Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA) on 07914 668907, or [email protected] 

The Local Authority on 01609 780780

Think: Is there an emergency or immediate risk of harm?

Yes - contact the police or Social Services; complete a written record and email it to the DSA, who will manage the response, report to the statutory agencies and support the parish;

No - contact the Parish Safeguarding Contact and the DSA; complete a written record and email it to the DSA, who will manage the response, report to the statutory agencies and support the parish.


If you have a concern about an individual child, your person or adult's physical, sexual or emotional well-being, it is your responsibility to seek advice and support from your PSO/DSA.

Any safeguarding concerns or allegations about anyone in a Parish role must be immediately reported to the DSA.

If you or anyone close to you becomes involved in any police or Social Services investigation you must notify the DSA immediately.

Any safeguarding concerns or allegations about a member of the congregation must be immediately reported to the PSO/DSA

Please be assured that all matters with be dealt with confidentially and reported as required to protect those who are vulnerable from harm.

Dos and Don'ts for handling a disclosure


remain calm, approachable and receptive

take it seriously

listen carefully, without interrupting

acknowledge you understand how difficult this may be

offer reassurance - it is the right thing to tell someone

tell them what will happen next

make a written record of exactly what has been said and when



promise complete confidentiality

ask leading or probing questions


discuss with people who do not need to know

delay in reporting the disclosure to the PSO/DSA

Topcliffe Safeguarding signed 2024-May-23, PDF
