Services for September/October 2024

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Everyone is most welcome to come along for any of these services. Refreshments are served after every Sunday morning service and after Evensong.  Do join us.

Sunday 29th September - [Fifth Sunday of the month; no service today]

Sunday 6th October at 6.30 p.m. - Harvest Festival Choral Evensong, followed by Harvest Supper

Do come and join us for our annual service of celebration and thanksgiving for harvest.  The service largely follows the liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer and will be led by Fr Robert Williamson.  In addition to familiar harvest hymns, music will include settings of the Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis, the Preces and Responses, and an anthem sung by the choir.  After the service there will be a harvest buffet supper to which all are welcome.

Sunday 13th October at 10.45 a.m. - Holy Communion [Twentieth Sunday after Trinity]

Rev Robert Williamson will be our celebrant and preacher for our traditional service of Holy Communion, with congregational hymns and sung Prayer Book settings by John Merbecke (c1510-1585). There will be refreshments and a chance to chat after the service; do come and join us.

Sunday 20th October at 10.45 a.m. - Sung Matins [Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity]

Our service of morning prayer, led by the choir, is taken from the Book of Common Prayer. The congregation sings the hymns and the choir sings settings of the day's psalm, the Venite and Jubilate, Te Deum or Benedictus. There will be refreshments and a chance to chat after the service. All are most welcome.

Sunday 27th October at 10.45 a.m. - Holy Communion [Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity]

You will be most welcome at our service of Holy Communion, led by Rev Robert Williamson, with congregational hymns. There will be refreshments and a chance to chat after the service.

Sunday 3rd November at 6.30 p.m. - Choral Evensong [All Saints]

The service is taken from the Book of Common Prayer and will be led by the choir.  Music includes congregational hymns, and the choir  sings settings of the Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis, the Preces and Responses, and an anthem. Do join us after the service for a glass of wine and nibbles.

N.B.  The PCC has undertaken all relevant risk assessments in the light of Covid-19 guidance over the past 4 years, and these are reviewed regularly.  All restrictions have been lifted, but a few measures remain in place to ensure that all services proceed as safely as possible.  In colder weather please dress warmly;  the heating is on but the church is a large building.  Please note that at Communion services we have reintroduced Communion in two kinds, i.e. sharing the chalice.  If you have any problem with this do mention this to the sidesman or churchwarden before the service.  Should you prefer not to receive Communion, do come to the chancel for a blessing, indicating this perhaps by keeping your hands to your sides.  Hand sanitiser is available for use when entering and leaving the building, and when going to take communion, and seating guidance will be indicated when necessary.

Everyone is most welcome, but if you have any doubts about coming to join us do please check here or contact John Phillips (01845 577034) beforehand for further information; every effort will be made to accommodate you. Access is not ideal, as the path is steep, but a temporary ramp can be provided for wheelchair entrance to the church; do let us know if you need this in place.